Pictures from Google are not free for your business.

March 30, 2022

When you would like to find a picture of something, the first step you would like to do is find it from Google. However, it is important for you to know that all pictures you find by Google have copyright. You can use them for personal use but you cannot copy or upload them for profit or business without permission. When someone takes a photo or draws a picture, he/she will get copyright immediately if he/she takes a photo or draws a picture in Thailand or a country which is a party of Agreements on Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: TRIPS (162 countries) or Berne Convention (171 countries). Copyright owners have the sole exclusive right to copy, modify, publicize and broadcast their pictures which other have no right to do  unless they use pictures in exceptional condition under the law. Google is not the owner of all pictures but it helps you to find pictures which belong to creators. You need to ask for permission from the copyright owner before you use a downloaded picture for your business such as uploading it on your website or facebook. Nevertheless, copyright law specifies the exception for people to copy, upload or publicize pictures of others without permission such as use them for personal use, for teaching in school or university or for exams, for research etc. Importantly, you cannot copy or upload them for profit. Fortunately, there are websites for free pictures which you can download and you can use for your business such as because they give permission for you to do so.

Kitthi Naganidhi

Pichamon B.

"Do anything that makes you happy!"

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